About Infants and Children placed for adoption in India

Children between the ages of 0-16 years are available for adoption. Non Resident Indian (NRI) and Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) Prospective Adoptive Parents (PAPs) may request to be matched with a child in "normal health".
What is the procedure for adoption in India?
Step 1 - Choose an Adoption Agency
Choose an Adoption Agency that is Hague accredited and licensed by India’s Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA). Adopt International is a Hague accredited agency and licensed by CARA.
Step 2 - Determine Elibility for the India Program
Determine eligibility for the India Program (see below for more information on this).
Step 3 - Complete your international home study
Do this with a local Hague accredited agency. Adopt International is licensed to provide home study services in California and Hawaii.
Step 4 - Apply for US Immigration Approval (I800A)
And Register with CARA
Step 5 - Accept Child Referral
In general, once the PAP receives a referral, they have 96 hours to decide if they wish to consider the referral and 30 days to accept the match.
Step 6 - Obtain necessary approvals to immigrate the child into the U.S.
This includes USCIS Approval, Article 5, No Objection Certificate from CARA, Indian District Magistrate Approval, Article 23, Child's Birth Certificate, Child's Passport. Adopt International will facilitate this process.
Step 7 - Get ready to travel
Once you arrive in India, you will take custody of the child in their resident state, complete a medical appointment(s) in Delhi and complete a Visa appointment in the U.S. Embassy in Delhi.
Step 8 - Bring the child home to the U.S.
After you receive a Visa in the child's name, you will be able to bring the child home. Adopt International’s India Program Director, Sharmeela Shah, will guide all clients' families throughout the India adoption process.
Am I eligible to adopt in India?
To be eligible to adopt in India:
At least one spouse must be a US citizen.
Couples must be married for a minimum of 2 years.
Same sex couples are not eligible.
Must be financially stable with the ability to comfortably support a child.
History of substance abuse, unstable relationships, serious medical illness or unstable mental health will not be eligible.
Prospective adoptive parents with legal history will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
What is the age limit for adoption in India?
The combined age of the PAPs determines eligibility with regard to the age of the child desired. CARA counts age in years, months and days.
PAPs with combined age of less than 85 years, or under age 40 for singles, can request a child ages 0 to 2 years.
PAPs with combined age of less than 90 years, or under age 45 for singles, can request a child ages 2 to 4 years.
PAPs with combined age of less than 100 years, or under age 50 for singles, can request a child ages 4 to 8 years.
PAPs with combined age of less than 110 years, or under age 55 for singles, can request a child ages 8 to 18 years.
There must be a minimum age gap of 25 years between the PAPs and the child.
Can Americans adopt a baby from India?
Yes, Americans can adopt a baby from India. At least one spouse must be a US citizen. Non Resident Indian (NRI) and Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) Prospective Adoptive Parents (PAPs) may request to be matched with a child in "normal health". Non-Indian foreign PAPs must be open to a child with known special needs, a child over the age of 8 years in good health, or sibling sets of 3 or more in good health.
How long does adoption take in India?
The wait time for a referral is lengthy and unpredictable and could take up to 4+ years. The wait can be shorter for PAPs who are open to children with special needs.
How much does adoption cost in India?
For the most up to date costs/fees associated with Adopt International India Program. Email India@adoptinter.org.
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If you would like more information on adopting a child from India, click here.
If you are pregnant and wondering whether adoption could be the right option for you and your baby, you can contact us any time on (800)-969-6665 or by filling out this form.
Adopt International is a non-profit organization. We provide extensive support and assistance to expectant mothers who are considering adoption for their child. Learn more here.
If you are a family who is considering adopting a child, learn more here.